A Thorough Home Inspection Begins Here
What is included in my home inspection report?
- General interior; walls, floors, ceiling, doors and windows
- General exterior; wall coverings, trim, gutters and chimneys
- Structural systems
- Electrical systems
- Plumbing systems
- Heating systems
- Cooling systems
- Ventilation systems
- Roofing systems
- Appliances
- Insulation

Do you provide radon testing?
Yes! A radon test can be added to your home inspection. We are a certified radon measurement provider.
Radon is an invisible, odorless, and radioactive soil gas. The EPA has determined it to be a Group 1 carcinogen. The EPA recommends that every home involved in a real estate transaction be tested for radon.

How is a new-construction home inspection different?
details here

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